APIR will only start processing the request once the form is approved by the customer. Please check on the Request List section on the Dashboard, if the status is “Awaiting Customer Approval”, please talk to the Form Approver to approve the form on their Dashboard. Note that the Account Owner is also able to approve forms in general. Once the status changes to “Customer Approved”, APIR will perform a preliminary check on the request. Subsequently, if applicable, APIR will issue the invoice within the next business day.
Questions in this section
- What request forms are available online?
- Do we have to notify APIR of any changes to participant or product details?
- Who can complete a request?
- After submission, how long will it take to process my request?
- I have not received an invoice, why?
- I can’t find the request I submitted on the Request List. Why?
- My request status is “On Hold (Awaiting Reply)”. What does this mean?
- It has passed the indicated turnaround time and I have yet to receive my product’s APIR Code. Have I missed something?
- What happens if I don't receive my APIR Code?
- How do we know what the APIR Code is for my Participant or Product registration request?