In order to register your entity for a LEI you will require a range of information including the entity’s legal name as it appears in the business register, the entity’s registration authority number (e.g. for Australian entities this will be the ACN or ABN), the entity’s legal address and the entity’s headquarters address. Further, applicants will be asked to provide information about any parent relationship that exist, such as parent entity’s LEI and other parent reference data.
Questions in this section
- Jurisdictional Surcharges
- What is the difference between LEI Registration, LEI Renewal and LEI Transfer
- APIR LEI Registration Guidelines
- Setting Up Your APIR Client Portal User Account
- Who is APIR?
- What is a Legal Entity Identifier?
- What Entities require a LEI?
- What information will I need to register for a LEI?
- What is the headquarters address?
- What is the legal address?